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Two-Stage Surgical Technique: Placement in the Mandibular Right First Molar

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This video demonstrates the placement of a Bicon SHORT® Implant using a two-stage surgical technique in the area of the mandibular right first molar.


TRINIA™ Techniques

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This video depicts clinical and laboratory techniques for TRINIA™ fiber resin fixed prosthetics. TRINIA™ is the solution for metal-free dental prosthetics.


Bicon Restorative Techniques

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The Bicon Restorative Techniques Video is intended to provide clinicians and their staff with detailed descriptions, explanations, and demonstrations depicting numerous restorative procedures of the Bicon Dental Implant System.


Bicon Comprehensive Kit Video

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The Bicon Comprehensive Kit Video is intended to provide clinicians and their staff with a detailed description and explanation for the use of various instruments provided in the Bicon Comprehensive Kit. A thorough understanding of Bicon’s instrumentation will provide a clinician with the confidence and facility to master the surgical and restorative techniques for the Bicon Dental Implant System.


SynthoGraft™ Technique Video

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In this video, Dr. Mauro Marincola provides a brief overview of SynthoGraft™ synthetic bone grafting material and its clinical applications.


Bicon Surgical Techniques

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This video will provide clinicians with an understanding of proven surgical techniques for the successful placement and restoration of Bicon implants. An adherence to the principles shown throughout the video shall give clinicians the confidence to offer their patients the exceptional benefits of the Bicon Dental Implant System.


Bicon Immediate Stabilization and Function Technique

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Bicon’s Immediate Stabilization and Function is a predictable chairside treatment option. With the use of the Stealth Shouldered Abutments and corresponding acrylic sleeves, patients can leave your office on the day of implant placement with a functioning and aesthetic transitional prosthesis. The one criterion and key to success of this treatment is the ability to prosthetically immobilize the implant with the transitional restoration.


Integrated Abutment Crown™ (IAC) Lab Demonstration

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This video demonstrates the laboratory technique for the fabrication of two maxillary central Integrated Abutment Crowns™ (IACs). Note that this video has been sped up 2x for brevity.