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Bicon Restorative Techniques

The Bicon Restorative Techniques Video is intended to provide clinicians and their staff with detailed descriptions, explanations, and demonstrations depicting numerous restorative procedures of the Bicon Dental Implant System.


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Jump to Chapter (Use when video is playing once it has completely loaded):
00:09 - Preface
02:24 - Introduction
03:47 - Implant-Level Impression
05:38 - Indirect Abutment Transfer Impression for Non-Shouldered Abutments
06:47 - Indirect Abutment Transfer Impression for Stealth Shouldered Abutment
07:34 - Direct Abutment Impression
08:02 - Selecting an Abutment
11:20 - Seating and Removal of an Abutment
13:04 - Healing, Temporary, and Transitional Abutments
14:35 - Broken Post Removal
16:13 - Integrated Abutment Crown™
16:41 - Abutment Selection for an IAC
18:46 - Recording a Shade
19:08 - Insertion of an IAC
21:20 - Seating of an IAC
22:54 - Adjusting Incisal Contacts
24:44 - Polishing an IAC
25:33 - Benefits of an IAC
30:04 - Porcelain Fused Metal
34:06 - All Gold Crown
34:49 - Fixed Bridges and Splinted Restorations
38:55 - Telescopic Restorations
42:35 - Bar Overdenture
47:11 - Brevis™ Overdenture
51:12 - Locator® Overdenture

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